Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy Memorial Day

Memorial Day: a day we honor the men and women of the armed forces who have made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our freedom and our way of life. We thank you.

*   *   *

One idea we've been kicking around the Board was to erect a flag pole on Francine Court behind the mail boxes in the center area. We had hoped to complete this project by Memorial Day, but more pressing matters took precedence, namely the emergency cement repair and the dreaded dryer vents. Now we're hoping to have it completed for July Fourth. I've priced a 25 foot fiberglass pole at $250, a good quality flag at $50, and a solar-powered light designed for flag poles at $100.  $400, plus shipping and installation seems like a minimal investment to honor our country and show our pride.

Many of us are veterans and most of us have veterans in the family. All of us are Americans. It seems like a no-brainer to me but we'd still like to hear from you.

What are your thoughts?

Friday, May 25, 2012


When it comes to holiday weekends, we always get the short stack because our normal pick-up day in Monday. Sometimes the regular garbage is picked up on Tuesday, sometimes it sits there until Thursday.

I wish I had a schedule, or even a clue as to when our garbage gets picked up on holidays, but there's no rhyme or reason when it comes to our wonderful Sanitation Department. All we can do is the best we can. Putting a recyclable bag out on say, Thursday night, when you know there won't be a pick-up until the weekend (or probably, the following weekend) is not doing out best.

Let's do our best. Let's keep the block clean.

Monday, May 21, 2012


We need a copy of your outside key.

 Most have you have complied and given a member of the board a copy of your key already. Thank you. You will not be inconvenienced by any mysterious lock-changing that will commence next month because you are smart.

The rest of you will be seeing notices taped to your front door reminding you to kindly provide a copy of your key.

We don't need tuning keys for your guitar.

We don't want an all-expense paid trip to the Florida keys, at least, not until hurricane season is over.

That's a cool sat image, right?

We don't need any old keyboards from your computer.

Alicia Keys

Yeah, I wish.

If by chance you don't want your Minimoog, I'll take that. (I used to own an original Minimoog in the early 80's)

But really, all we want is your front door key. We will give it back to you after we copy it. I promise. It'll save us the hassle and expense of hiring a locksmith to switch out your lock, and it'll save you a trip to the hardware store to make copies of the single key you'll receive in return.


Saturday, May 5, 2012

Be Schmart

Most of you understand the benefits of basic fire prevention. Most of you care about your neighbors. Excellent.

Some of you may have missed the memo. The dryer vents need to be cleaned. A clean dryer vent is a happy dryer vent. If you don't want to witness your home burning to the ground, why take the chance with something as silly as a dirty, dusty and dangerous dryer vent. This service, for the time being, is at no additional cost to you so take advantage of that now. Be smart.

Not complying may be catastrophic. At the very least, ignoring the notices being placed on your front door is a bit dopey, not to mention inconsiderate to your neighbors. Eventually, you - or your landlord, will be charged for this mandatory service, even if the police department assists us in doing what is necessary for the well-being of our community.

Don't you agree? Awesome.